Forncett Industrial Steam Museum is a small, independent, volunteer-run museum which became a
Charitable Incorporated Organisation in 2018.
In 2023 the museum received Arts Council England's Museum Accreditation,
a national benchmark standard for museums.
The museum is managed and run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
It doesn’t receive any government funding and relies on money raised from admission fees
and sales in the shop and café to pay its running costs.
The volunteers are the life blood of the museum, without whom the
museum couldn’t open to the public and the unique collection of industrial machinery would fall into
Why we need you
To keep the doors open and the wheels turning, we need your help. If you love getting out and
meeting people and have a few hours to spare, we would love you to come and join us. We are
especially keen to talk to you if you would be interested in working in our busy café or our new shop.
Or if you prefer gardening to serving tea and cake, we need regular help maintaining the site so that
visitors can park their cars and enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings.
Plus, of course, we are always looking to recruit new volunteers to help maintain the machinery in top working order.
You don’t need any prior experience to become a volunteer as full training will be given.
Volunteering is ideal if you’d like to learn new skills and gain experience to enhance your CV.
Could you be our next Trustee?
Trustees have the ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of
Forncett Industrial Steam Museum, and ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, compliant with legislation and best practice,
and delivers the charitable outcomes for which it has been set up.
We are keen to recruit new trustees with experience of fundraising, strategic planning, business
management, digital marketing or events management.

Supporting Us
Your support is vital in enabling the Museum to fulfill its mission to share its collection with the world.
The Forncett Industrial Steam Museum relies on funding from a wide range of sources and there are many ways that you can donate to help ensure the display, care and preservation of the collection for future generations.
Please consider our opportunities for supporting the museum today:
Become a Patron:
Deepen your engagement with the Museum.
Become a Friend of the Museum:
Support the collection and enjoy benefits.
Leaving a legacy to Forncett Industrial Steam Museum in your will enables us to plan for the future.
Give a gift in memory or set up a tribute fund.
Forncett Industrial Steam Museum
may accept gifts of relevant objects into its collection.
We offer a versatile space for function events, our famous 'Steam Cafe'.
The Steam Cafe is a wonderfully dynamic space with lovely outlook, cafe/pop up bar facilities,
perfect for creative & corporate events of many varieties.
If you would like to join our free regular newsletter please contact us and we will add you to our mailing list.
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